Saturday 3 September 2016



1.Collecting the Information about the Local proverbs / Saying related to the Climate and weather Change :

  1. "Cyclones are hit by the Rain- Like Cat and Dog Fight ".
  2. "Fog looks as Clouds at the Ground Level".
  3.  "Today it seems to be HAIL and RAIN".
  4. "Hails are Damaged the Crops".
  5. "Weather Changes - Cultivation Changes".
  6. "Cyclones are beyond the Coastal Regions-Looks like Enemies at Borders".
  7. "This time Rain is kicked out Crops Ripening".
  8. "Temperature rises-Changes In Climate".
  9. "Highest Temperatures Stroking the Earth".
  10. "Today Temperature is like Throwing Fire Balls from the Sun".
  • Climate and Weather changes most common on the Earth.
  • Some time it seems to be Hot, other time as the Cold.
  • Especially in the Seasons we will face these problems.
  • There are differences while changes in the seasons.
  • From above Proverbs related to the People they Discuss with other.
  • Highest Temperatures leads to the Increases in the MSL(Mean Sea Level).
  • While the Cyclones are continuously hitting regions.
  • When climate and weather changes there was change in the livelyhood.
  • Farmers are mostly effected by the Climate Changes in India.
  • Due to Most of the population in India depends on Agriculture.
  • And other Sections of the Society also badly effected by the Climate.
  • We have to control the climate by the certain steps to avoid changes.
  • Releasing of Green House Gas.
  • Alternate methods are used to Nature destruction.
  • Like coal has to replaced with other Sources. 
  • When we are mining the coal , we are cutting trees in large tracts. 

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