Thursday 8 September 2016

Climate of India


2. About the Green House Gases and the Argues about the Developed and Developing Countries / Natural Disasters.

                                                   Green House gases refers to the green house is effected by the absorbing of radiation by  Green house gases such as Carbon dioxide and Chlorofluorocarbons are the some of the examples of green house gases. . The absorption or emission is done from the atmosphere as radiation.

                                                        1.  Chlorofluorocarbons [ CFC's]
                                                        2. Methane [CH4 ]
                                                        3. Ozone [O]
                                                        4. Carbon dioxide [CO2]
                                                        5. Nitrous Oxide [N2O ]
                                                        6.Water vapour [H2O].

                    1.It was shortened named as the GHG.
                    2. Non green house gases are Oxygen , Nitrogen and Argon.
                    3. Short time Green house gases are CO , HCL.

                                               1. Radio active Gases are  more, when the atmosphere absorbs more       
                                                    radiative energy pulls from all directions.
                                               2. The Earth gets heated up by the absorbs of thermal infrared radiation.
                                               3. Due to this process there is change in the temperature.
                                               4. If the 2° C temperature increases there is increasing the MSL.
                                               5. The Day time Green house gases are produces more and Radiation also 
                                                   more in the Atmosphere. 
                                              6. Then night time having less effect due to less amount of radiation received 
                                                  by the Earth.
                         ☻   The countries which are highly developed in the sectors of the Economy
                                 are mostly depends upon the Industrialised and service sectors.
                         ☻   The criteria is taken for the developed countries in the Gross Domestic Product [ GDP]                                  Gross Net Product[ GNP ] , Per Capita Income and the value of Industrialisation.
                         ☻   According to the International Monetary Fund in the 2015 there Highly developed
                                with  the facility of the Purchasing - Power parity.

           1. Australia.                2. Canada.          3. France.            4. Germany.                  5. Italy.
           6. Japan.                    7. South Korea.  8. Spain.              9. United Kingdom.       10. United States.

  1. Developed countries are used the fossile fuels for their development.
  2. They argue about the developing countries to avoid the burning of coal.
  3. According to them there were most of the Green House Gases are produced due to the burning of fuel.
  4. Cmbined development with the Industialisation and other allies they are produced a lot of GHG gases before the time fot thier development.
                         ☻  The deeloping country are also called as the Third World Country or less Developed                                     country or underdeveloped country..
                         ☻   Thses countries shows the less Human Devepoment Index [ HDI ] there is less                                             amounts of GDP..
                         ☻  According to the 2015 calculations there were

           1. Argentina               2. Belarus .          3.Fiji      .            4. Ghana      .                  5. Honduras.
           6. India .                    7. Irac                 8. Jamica.           9. South Africa              10. Uganda.


  • Most of the 20th centuary almost all the countries there is a race between the development.
  • Competition between the countries of developed and developingcountries.
  • There are most of the GHG gases are produced by the almost all the countries.
  • There is argue about the Developed and developing countries.
  • Developed countries had developed by the burning of fossile fuels.
  • They are argues about the Gases are produced by the Developed and Undeveloped countries.
  • Most of the Weatern countries are developed than the rest of the Countries.
  • In all the Sectors of the Economy, there are highly developed in the Indutriesand service sectors.
  • GNP and GDP and HDI  and othe factors were taken to consideration.



Earth Quakes



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