Saturday 10 September 2016

Indian Rivers and Water Resources

5. Indian Rivers and Water Resources

Write about the Plans for Your village and how its implementing....

  1. Drinking Water Facility.
  2. Providing Tanks.
  3. Transportation.
  4. Educational developments.
  5. Co-operative societies.
  6. Marketing.
  7. Health.
  8. Sanitation.
  9. Forest Developments.
  10. Employment.


  • Water is essential common thing for Drinking.
  • Every year water supply was done by village level Gram Panchayat.
  • In our area we are getting the water for using purpose by the tap supply.
  • Now a days our state government launched the program that to distribute the water for every house.
  • There are different schemes are run by the Governments.
  • "Mission Bhagiratha" - was the example of the supplying of water.

  • Now a days the water storage's are required more and more.
  • Due to that here in the village levels there are so many tanks are provided.
  • "Mission Kakatiya"- was the example of the tanks expansions.
  • The tank water used for the Agriculture and other uses.
  • It also helps in the recharging of ground water at under ground.
  • Tanks also provide the Fishing.


  • Here the developments are mostly about the Road's.
  • Form the Villages to the cities are connected by the Roads, such as that Highways.
  • "Prime Minister's Rural Road Scheme" / " Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana ".
  • Building of the Pucca Roads.
  • National Highways are the examples of the transportation.
  • Other Means of transportation are water ways , Railways and Air ways .


  • There is more need of education to everyone.
  • By the education we can get the knowledge for the Modern World.
  • Government sectors are providing the facility for Everyone.
  • "KG TO PG Scheme" "Mid Day Meals" is the example for the development of education.
  • This is the Fundamental Right given to everyone especially for the Children.
  • There are more schemes at the state levels , central levels  and International Levels.

  • The meaning of the CO-OPERATION is "helping".
  • This scheme will helps the people by helping the economy to them.
  • "CO-OPERATIVE BANKS" it will provide small amounts to the people.
  • "DECCAN COOPERATIVE BANK" is the Example.
  • This are helps many of the sections like FISHING , HAND LOOMS , AGRICULTURE.
  • Here these are also provide by the Governments. country wise and World wide.


  • Markets are good source of selling and buying  the Goods.
  • From the Olden days we are following this facility.
  • Especially these are find in the Rural areas due to Farmers produce crops.
  • ""AGRICULTURE MARKET YARDS"  (AMY) The Government helps in the buying of crops from the Farmers.
  • Marketing also provide the development for the Country.
  • Most of the working people depends upon the Markets for their livelihood.
7. HEALTH :-

  • Health is the Wealth - for that we require proper Medicines and Measures.
  • "PRIMARY HEALTH CENTRE" [ PHC ] Its provided for the regular check ups to the Rural People.
  • "104" and "108-EMERGENCY" services are provided by the Governments.
  • There are different Camps are provided for the sake of Rural people.
  • For the small children protection from the POLIO they provide the Medicine.
  • World wide also given importance for the Health -"WHO".


  • We have to keep our surroundings clean and green for that we require that Proper Sanitation.
  • Proper sewage Cleaning , Drainage systems.Pavements.
  • At the Rural Levels are "GRAM PANCHAYAT'S"                                                                Urban Levels "MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS".
  • Village areas are still needed for the Proper sanitation. In Fields of Drinking Water , Proper Drainage System. Roads.
  • Highly developed places are provided by the Good skilled workers with Machinery.
  •  If  we not taken proper measures for sanitation that's leads to the Epidemic , Endemic and Sporadic diseases.
  • Epidemics- infectious diseases are in the community for the particular time.
  • Endemics-  these diseases Regular for the Particular area.
  • Sporadic- diseases are irregular in few places.

  • One of the Most important aspect to the earth - Forests.
  • There are different types of vegetation in the different places.
  • In the village people worship the forests due to they get the livelihood from the Forest.
  • "HARITHA HARAM" is the scheme for the  improvement of the trees and in the Forest levels.
  • There are different policies are provided for the Protecting of Forests.
  • "NEW NATIONAL FOREST POLICY ACT"- with out permission we can not enter into these forests.

  • We are facing the problems like unemployment .
  • For the village levels the Government are providing the Schemes.
  • Under the above scheme the people are getting benefited.
  • For the removal of Unemployment although Government are trying to solve this but again we are facing same situations.
  • The government recruiting the people from the village and rural areas.
Co operative Socity

Drinking water







PMGSY-Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

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