Sunday 25 September 2016


Comparing of nature of farmers and Trader's with Telangana and the Britain / Europe :-

   Nature of Farmers in Telangana :-  

◙  Most of the people that depends on the Agriculture.   
◙  Here Types of Farmers are                             
                            ►   Marginal     
                            ►   Small
                            ►   Medium
                            ►   Semi Medium
                            ►   Large
 ◙  The farmers grow different types of  crops .
 ◙  Most of the farmers are illiterate.
 ◙  They depends upon only cultivation for their livelihood.
 ◙  Their cultivation methods related to the Traditional methods .
 ◙  Farmers in Telangana are the Marginal type.
 ◙  Farming mostly depends on the rainfall for the Irrigation.          
 ◙  In, Telangana Most of the regions depends on the rainfall for the cultivation.

 Nature of Traders in Telangana :-  

 ◙  Here,the word trading belonging to the Buying and selling the goods and services.
 ◙ Here Types of Traders are                             
                            ►   Day Trader     
                            ►   Floor Trader
                            ►   Stock Trader
                            ►   High frequency Trader
                            ►   Rogue Trader
 ◙  Different types of traders will Trade different services.
 ◙  Here, The Trading is different in traders based on the Goods and services.
 ◙  The trading goods belonging to the food , daily use materials . iron and steel , and all the sectors.
 ◙   Most of the Telangana people are belongs to the above types of Traders. only few of them were High frequency Traders.     
 ◙  In Telangana most of the Trading is Running in the supplying of raw materials from the forests and other source to the Industries.

Nature of Farmers in Britain/ Europe :-

 Most of the farmers are skill full, and highly technological.       
There are few of them are join in the  Farming
About the Average age of the farmers in farming is 59.          
They were changed the farming now. When we compared to the olden days. 
►  They are growing the crops like Bio fuels.
►  They are mostly developed by these days due to the need of the products.
►  Most of the population of the United Kingdom joined in the other two sectors of the Economy.

Nature of Traders in Britain/ Europe :-

 Most of the Traders are skill full, and  highly technology usedfor the Trading.
► These are highly developed countries in the world.
► Trading is done with the other countries         
►  Here , it was largest exporter of finished Goods and as raw materials. 
►  They use the highly developed technologies in all the sectors of the economy..
►  They are mostly developed from those days due to the need of the products.
►  Most of the population of the United Kingdom joined in the other two sectors of the Economy.


  1. When we compared in farmers Europeans are much developed than the Telangana farmers.
  2. The farming methods are used by the farmers are different in Europe and in Telangana.;
  3. Compared to the population most of them were in Telangana depends upon agriculture, and in Britain / Europe very few.
  4. Traders play crucial role in the economy.
  5. Trading is impact on the development of the country.
  6. Here the above Telangana and European Trading are different due to European countries are developed from the olden times.
  7. Telangana state was formed recently so, its development less than the European countries.
  8. Most of the population that depends upon Industrial and service in the European and Most of the population depended on the farming in Telangana.
Do you know any child working in a factory or shop ? If you find, how you respond ?

                                   Now a days we can't find children's are working in the Factory or in shops. India is the World largest democratic country. Here the people are followed by the adopted Constitution . There were different types of Acts that was passed in the parliament.

                                      Anyway the above statement that l do not support to work as child labour  in factory or shop. Because of the children has the rights to protect them self. Below the 15 years age children has the right to get all the Rights according the Constitution. No child should not work as the labour In shops or in factories.

                            In the olden days there were large sections of the society of children's worked as labours. Before this was controlled by the Monarchies. And they got less pay for whole the work.

Now a days all the children's were going to the School. The primary right of the Children is "EDUCATION".

There was different Acts against the Child labour. If i found any child is working in factory  or shop. I will make them relieve from the work. By reporting to the Concerned officer.