Wednesday 26 September 2018

Colonialism In Latin America

Times of Explorations (1600):-

                      Emperors from the European estates sent their expeditions  to the vast distances  for exploring of new places. At a glance Vascoda Gama and Christopher Columbus explored the new sea voyage to the distant places like India and America. Then they started  trading centers across the ocean. 
Latin American Countries mostly speaks the three main languages in those times as follows:

1. Spanish
2. Portuguese
3. French

                     The European powers reached the east coastal regions of the America. They started killing the native American of small peasants and landlords. They taken lands from them and killed the people. Then most of the regions under the control of the Spain and Portugal Emperors. The small farmers also came along with them and settled here in America.

                    After killing the people in America there was shortage of labor. The agents forcefully brought labors as slaves and sent to the different parts of the distant places in the world without giving proper food and  protection for them.Many people died due to hungry while reaching the destinations.

                    The slaves has to work in the fields of the landlords as in the Corn, Sugarcane , Tobacco and cotton fields.Their produced products which are sold in the European Markets at high price. There was a great demand in the European markets which are brought from the other colonies which are not found in Europe.  



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