Thursday 6 December 2018

Telangana Political Trend: If Coalition- History Repeat's

                                    Telangana state is newly emerging as on of the developing aspects in the field of development. Here the situation is very hottest than ever before. The new trending in the politics is flushing into the present talks. Due to the coalition parties each other make the strong and may be defeat the other in the race.

                                If the parties of the state collide each other to race towards the forming of Government. At the moment state require additional energy. History may repeats as the formation of government in previous years of India. If the coalition parties may have good understanding and commitment then, no other party can be defend them self. 

                               If we elect any person towards government formation, the candidate may collide to form with another party to form the new Government. Here the people may lose faith in towards the elected candidate with particular party. They may choose the other form of government as they followed before considerations to next electing bodies. 

What will happen after the week days!! until we should be waited, see for the race towards forming the new government.

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