Thursday 5 January 2017



            The factories produces lot of pollution by burning of the fossil fuels. When they burnt  fuels it emits the carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide which increase the green house gases in the atmosphere result in the global warming.

 Here the some type of pollution which is caused by the factories :-

               1.    Air Pollution
               2.    Water Pollution.
               3.    Soil Pollution.
               4.    Sound Pollution.
                   Air pollution is caused by harmful substances that are added to the Earth's atmosphere. The air molecules are  polluted and causes the diseases , there was a huge loss of humanity.
1. The main causes for the air pollution is waste are emitted by the factories.
2. The vehicles releases the smoke in to the atmosphere.
3. There was using of refrigerators its releases CFC gases.
4.  Burning of fossil fuels.


                  Water pollution is caused by the pollutants are added to the water bodies like the Lakes , Tanks , Ponds ,  streams , Rivers and Seas etc.,.it is called as the Water pollution.
1. The factories are releasing the effluents without treating to the pollutants in to the water bodies as directly.
2. The farmers are using the pesticides and chemical fertilizers in agriculture. those are joining in the water bodies.
3. Even the wastage  are mixed with the water bodies during the floods.
4. Polluted water causes the diseases like cholera. Dysentery , Diarrhea. 

                  Soil pollution is caused by the pollutants are added to the soil like the heavy chemicals and fertilizers are added to the land this is called the soil pollution.
 1.  The farmers are using the heavily toxic ingredients to the land to get the high yields.
 2.  The wastage of the factories are indirectly mixes with the soil.
 3.  By the interference of the human beings in the nature.

                Sound pollution caused by the disturbing of the air molecules and feeling of stress sleep disturbances.
  1. The using of vehicles.
  2. High Sound boxes.
  3. Aeroplanes , Rockets and Jets.
  4. By the loud noise.


1.  The above showed pollution are the examples of the destruction factors.
2.  There are different pollutants are adding to the surroundings and making the life difficult.
3.  We should decrease the pollution by following some preservative methods.
4.  Maintaining afforestation.
5.  Preserving the rain water.
6.  Do not listen the loud voices. And we do not encourage the mic sets and other sounds.
7.  Choosing the organic farming instead of the Chemical fertilizers.
8.  Do not use the highly concentrated chemicals in the farming.
9. We should burn the fuel less in quantity.   

Imagine in your area polluted by the factories . Respond To that Write a Letter to the Local News Reporter.

                                                      APPLICATION   LETTER

                                                                                                            Date:- 05 Jan, 2017.
The Editor,
Deccan Chronicle,

Subject :- Complaining about the pollution.

Respected sir,
                      I am the resident of the Vidya Nagar Colony of the Narayankhed town. I wrote the letter to you because of the situations of these colony becoming worst now a days. Here i informing to you about the various kinds of pollution that occur in the Town area. As the name of the development factories are increasing more and more.

                                                                  By increasing these factories there are other side effects of the development.Especially these colony facing serious problems by the factories. Like the water pollution , soil pollution , air pollution and the sound pollution.

                                                                  We were unable to breath the fresh air and drinking water. We were irritated about the sound of the factories. Factories are releasing the wastage directly into the atmosphere  , water bodies . That leads to the water and air pollution. The people are already facing the water related diseases and lungs diseases.

           The authorities should do something urgently to reduce the increasing pollution,

Thanking you sir ,

                                                                                                                                              Yours Truly ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                           XX XX,         
                                                                                                                                                       XX XX.

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