Monday 13 February 2017




                                             The conversation between the students and the driver about their driving experience.

Student :-   How  you feel when  driving a vehicle?
Driver :-     I feel the driving is happiest one.

Student :-  Which safety measures followed by you while driving                       the vehicles?
Driver :-   Wearing the seat belt.
                 Focusing on driving.
                 We should not jump on Red signal.
                 Planning  ahead to drive .
                 Do not make phone calls during driving .
                 Do not Drink and Drive.

Students :- Would you like to drive the day or night time?
Driver :-   Day time
                  Because of at night time it is very difficult to drive                          while the other vehicle head lights are very powerful, so                  that we can not see the other vehicles which is coming                      an opposite direction to us.

Student :- How would you able to keep the distance from other                          vehicle?
Driver :-  I will keep my vehicle from the other vehicles with 3                       seconds differentiate with slowly movement of the vehicle.

Student :- To avoid the accidents what you are able to give the                         suggestion to us? 
Driver :-  The movement of the vehicle should be with in the speed                 limits , 
                We should not cross the red signal , 
                Do not over  take the other vehicles,
                Follow the traffic rules.

Student :- Where is your vehicle should be parked?
Driver :- Always use the parking place for park the vehicle and do                  not park the vehicle at NO PARKING areas.

Student :- If you need to take the turn what will you do?
Driver:-    We should use the U-TURN and LEFT TURN or                             RIGHT  TURN symbol which appears on the side of the                   road.


1. From the above conversation between the students and Driver i have concluded that we should follow the traffic rules.
2. Night time driving is very difficult when we compared to the day time.
3.Park the vehicles at parking places.
4. Use the indicators for taking the TURNS.

5. We do not cross the Red Signal.
6.We should focus on the driving. If it is not done so leads to accidents.
7. Do not Drive with over speed.
8. We should not drive the vehicles after drinking and as well as while driving.
9. Maintain the distance from another vehicle.
10. We should not over take the other vehicles.

Driving symbols :-

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