Sunday 19 February 2017


                                       There are different types of industries located located in India. There are mainly based on the Agriculture and other are Mineral based.This was the second most important sector of the Indian economy. most of the urban cities having the industries on large scale. Mainly the industries are the small scale , large scale and cottage industries.

Agro based Industries :-
                                          The industries which are mainly based on the Agriculture products for manufacturing the goods or items is called Agro based industries.
Examples:- Cotton textile industries.
                   Jute Industries 
                   Fertilizer industries
                   Oil Refineries.
                   Food Processing Industries. like Tomato. Potato.

Mineral based Industries :-

                                          The industries which are mainly based on the minerals for manufacturing the goods or items is called Mineral based industries.

Examples:- Cement industries.
                   Iron  & Steel Industries 
                   Copper smelting Industries 
                   Aluminium industries.

Raw materials are used :- 
 Cotton Textile:- cotton
 Jute Industries :- Jute
 Fertilizer Industry:-  Nitrogen , Phosphorous , Potassium and other Micro Nutrients.
                                    Urea , DAP , MOP , SOP.
                                    DAP- Di Ammonium Phosphate
                                    MOP- Murate of Potash
                                    SOP - Sulfate of Potash
Oil Refineries :- Sunflower , soyabean , Groundnut , and other oil seeds
Cement Industries :- Gypsum . limestone , Calcium carbonate, Silica.
Iron and Steel Industries :- Iron Ore 
Copper Smelting :- Copper Ore. sulphur.
Aluminium Industries :-  Bauxite, caustic soda.lime.

Other inputs in the process of manufacturing that involves :-


The Industries Following the Environmental norms :-

The Regulation acts was passed by the governments to control the pollution by the industries.
 The norms are followed by the industries in India which are bought up by the CPCB. ( Central Pollution Control Board)
 To protect the environment regulatory agencies are providing the BAT Best Available Technology ).
 EPA -1986 ( Environment protection Act-1986)
 NEMC-1983.( National Environment Management Council ).


Industries are most prominent sector for the development of the nation.
 Industries depends on the other two sectors like agriculture and service.
 The Industries are creating the employment opportunities.
 Industries required the raw materials to finish the goods and items.
 It also require the other inputs in large quantities like electricity , machinery.
 To operate the machinery skilled labour needed.
 Factories causes the pollution like water , land , air and sound.
 To avoid that the factories has to treat the waste while they releasing in to the atmosphere.
 Some of the factories and were not following the norms of the Acts. They were releasing the industrial wastes into the atmosphere , by that there was huge damage for the living organisms.
  If we over use the mineral we have to face problems in the future.

Cotton Textile industry

Food Processing Factory

Copper Industries

Oil Refineries

Industrial Zone

Jute Industries

Aluminium Industries 

Iron and steel Industries

Cement Industries

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