Monday 11 December 2017

Energy from the sun

Observing some families in our surroundings and filling the table :- 

             This Survey according to the month of January

Name of the Family
No.of Electricity Bulbs used Type Electricity
In Rupees
Bulb Tube CFL
01 Nagesh 04 01 01 02 153.60
02 Rama Rao 10 04 03 03 420.00
03 Bhopal 06 03 03 - 360.00
04 Rajamani 05 01 02 02 201.60
05 Raghuveeraiah 03 01 01 01 136.80
06 Jampanna 02 02 - - 120.00
07 Rajalinga 10 - 05 05 324.00
08 Prasad Kumar 03 - 03 - 144.00
09 Bhavani 04 - - 04 67.20
10 Veer Reddy 09 05 02 02 585.60
11 Bhatya 05 - - 05 84.00
12 Venkat Chary 06 03 - 03 410.40
13 MA Ali 03 03 - - 288.00
14 Raju Singh 06 02 02 02 273.60
15 Yashoda 07 03 - 04 427.20

The above table showing the details of surroundings people usage of electricity during the month of January.

■ Energy saving measures :-
                1. In the place of Bulbs and Tube lights we should use LED or CFL .
                2. Usage of light at vary hours.
                3. Don't allow turn on lights at day time.
                4. Depend on the Natural sources.
                5. Energy from the sun as Solar Energy that converts as Electrical energy.

This survey conducted after three months ( April )
Name of the Family
No.of Electricity Bulbs used Type Electricity
In Rupees
Bulb Tube CFL
01 Nagesh 04 - - 04 56.00
02 Rama Rao 10 - - 10 140.00
03 Bhopal 06 - - 06 84.00
04 Rajamani 05 - - 05 80.00
05 Raghuveeraiah 03 - - 03 52.00
06 Jampanna 02 - - 02 28.00
07 Rajalinga 10 - - 10 140.00
08 Prasad Kumar 03 - - 03 52.00
09 Bhavani 04 - - 04 56.00
10 Veer Reddy 09 - - 09 126.00
11 Bhatya 05 - - 05 80.00
12 Venkat Chary 06 - - 06 84.00
13 MA Ali 03 - - 03 52.00
14 Raju Singh 06 - - 06 84.00
15 Yashoda 07 - - 07 98.00

Comparing differences :-

♠  From the above tables we can find a lot of changes during these months.
♠ The families adopted the new methods for saving power.
Veer Reddy got the Electricity Bill in the month  of January Rs/- 585.60 then in the month of the April he got it as Rs/- 126.00 .
He used bulbs and tube lights, Then he replaced those by CFL.
♠ Some  people adopted new methods for reducing the charge on electricity.
When we compared to the above tables every family Electricity bill is decreased.
 The above changes due to replacement of  bulbs and tube lights with the CFL and Solar Systems.
♠ By using the sun light we are converting it into the electricity.
Use Bio material to get the other sources for producing the electricity.
The solar energy is one of the best producing electricity without pollution.


Bio Energy

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