Thursday 7 December 2017


Once I was green
Once I was blue
But now my humans,
what happened to you?
Why don’t you
hear my voice?
While I scream
among noise,

You are changed,
You have made me dark,
Full of bricks, plastics
wooden and iron parts,
My beauty is turning
to widespread trash,
Just for your
little amount of cash,

I have cared you
from years to years,
Fed you food and
gave clothes to wear,
gave you plants, 
and beautiful trees 
and to sail on
gave you wide seas,
But even then,my children
you destroy everything,
you think of yourself
as my empire’s king,
While piercing knives
      in my chest,

you don’t understand that
you’re ruining your own nest,
And when you will understand
the worth of mine,
Nothing will be left
even your ‘Mother Earth’ divine.

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