Thursday 7 December 2017

Implementation of the laws in the district

Interviewing a teacher :-

  1.      When was she / he appointed ?
  2.      To which department of the government does she / he report ?
  3.      Has the teacher been transferred ?
  4.      How are they promoted or punished ? who is responsible for their salaries ?
  5.     If they have any complaints about their working conditions , whom do they report them to?
Here some of the imagined answers for above questions :

1. After qualifying the test conducted by examinations board of the concern state. They appointed when the  academic year  was going to start in the local states.

2. The concern teacher has to report to the higher authority as in the mandal level M.E.O
and the District level as D.E.O  as followed they were the Educational department.

3.  Yes , teacher can be transferred to any other locality based on the choice of his / her. OR Government they can transferred them to other places due to  bring the improvement in the education .

4. Based on the good workaholic she / he promoted . If they irresponsible in their work , then they were punished as suspending from the job. In some cases Head master and higher authorities were responsible for their salaries. 

5.  If they have any complaints about the work and other things they may report to the head master at the school level. And they may appeal to the higher authorities .

Experiencing of implementing the new rules:-

Enrollment of children :- 

                                        Most of the schools in the Indian states have followed very less enrollment during the times of the academic year. Due to that they wanted to improve the enrollment in the school. Attracting the children by telling  them all the facilities in the schools , mid - day meals programme . 

Mid-day Meals:-

                            This was the programme given as the orders for every state in Indian country. Due to pupils were  not attending  the  schools  after the meals . Most of the pupil were below poverty line group families. 

K-12 :-

                       This is spoken as k to twelve. In India sum of primary and secondary education.

PK-12 :-

                       This is spoken as Pre- Kindergarten 


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